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Our campuses

Our main campus is located in the city Hof, a safe and cozy town located at the top of Bavaria and in the heart of Europe. 

Our second campus in Münchberg is located about 20 kilometers from Hof and can easily be reached with our free semester bus and train ticket. Münchberg is a traditional centre for textile education and has retained all charms of a small town.

Hof University has expanded its reach: we now also have a campus in Kronach and a learning site in Selb.

Campus Hof Ausgang Gebäude B mit Palme im Sommer

Campus Hof

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof
Alfons-Goppel-Platz 1
95028 Hof

Campus map

Building opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 07:00 - 18:00
Friday: 07:00 - 15:00


Hochschule Hof mit Weiher und Terrasse begrünt im Sommer
Gruppenraum der Bibliothek am Campus Hof
erster Stock im Gebäude A am Campus Hof
Blick auf das Mobilgebäude am Campus Hof
B-Foyer im Erdgeschoss am Campus Hof mit weißer Treppe
Strandkorb auf dem Campus Hof
Weiher zwischen Gebäude B und C am Campus Hof
Architektur rote und blaue Säulen mit Himmel am Campus Hof

Campus Münchberg

  • all textile-related programs and the B.A. Communication Design take place here
  • state-of-the-art equipment: on an area of over 5,500 m2, weaving, braiding, nonwovens and knitting pilot plants as well as laboratories for pre-treatment, dyeing, chemical finishing and testing of textiles are available
  • focus on development of modern functional materials and the creation of composites with improved qualities and special functionalities
  • seat of Fraunhofer Application Center for Textile Fiber Ceramics: dedicated to processing carbon and ceramic yarns and the production of 3D fabrics

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof
Kulmbacher Straße 76
95213 Münchberg

Campus map

Building opening hours:
As a visitor without a campus card, please contact the reception (phone: +49 9281/409-3000).

Campus Münchberg, Eingang des Hauptgebäudes in der Kulmbacher Straße
Textiltechnikum am Campus Münchberg von außen
Treppe am Campus Münchberg mit bunter Gestaltung von der Designblick-Ausstellung
Campus Münchberg
Wendeltreppe an der Rückseite des Gebäudes für Mediendesign am Campus Münchberg
Campus Münchberg Außenansicht Gebäude des Studienganges Mediendesign
Textil-Technikum am Campus Münchberg in der Totalen

Campus Kronach

The Lucas Cranach Campus in Kronach is an innovative place to study, dealing with global and regional issues of the future. The Department of Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences offers teaching and research in areas that require a high degree of interdisciplinary work and are characterized by innovation. The degree programs are designed to meet the challenges of the labor market through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work.

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof
Kulmbacherstraße 11
96317 Kronach

Building opening hours:
As a visitor without a campus card, please use the bell or contact the reception (phone: +49 9281/409-3000).

Gebäude des Studienganges Innovative Gesundheitsversorgung, in dem auch die Sparkasse in Kronach mit sitzt
Blick auf die Innenstadt in Kronach von oben
Studierende sitzend von hinten in einem Lehrraum am Campus Kronach
Blick vom Gebäude des Studienganges Innovative Gesundheitsversorgung auf die Innenstadt
Blick vom Gebäude des Studienganges Innovative Gesundheitsversorgung
Innenstadt Kronach
Test der Bildunterschrift
WohnXLab in Kronach von innen
Lehrraum des Studienganges Innovative Gesundheitsversorgung von innen
Flur des Studiengang-Gebäudes in Kronach
Fensterscheibe mit Logo "Hochschule Hof"

Learning site Selb

At the Selb campus, our programs in Design and Mobility are offered. They contribute to Hof University's Greentech Strategy with sustainable solutions and address the future of mobility directly. These innovative programs have the potential to establish Selb as a leading destination for vehicle design and related fields. Teaching takes place in the Spiegelhaus of the Rosenthal company.

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof
Wittelsbacher Str. 41
95100 Selb

Building opening hours:
As a visitor without a campus card, please use the bell or contact the reception (phone: +49 9281/409-3000).

Learning site Bamberg

At the learning site Bamberg, the two bachelor's programs, Nursing for Experienced Professionals and Nursing in accordance with the Nursing Professions Act, are offered on a part-time or full-time basis. At the Bamberg Academies for Healthcare and Nursing Professions, which share premises with Hof University, nursing students are provided with an optimal infrastructure to prepare them for everyday working life. The center piece is the innovative and future-oriented Skills Lab, which offers new forms of teaching and learning to promote professional skills. Students practice realistic skills and techniques required in everyday nursing practice. The use of state-of-the-art simulation techniques and equipment provides a safe space for intensive practical skills training. This is complemented by experienced faculty who provide expert support and guidance.

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hof
an den Bamberger Akademien für Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufe
Buger Straße 80
96049 Bamberg